At OmegaOne, we manufacture a wide variety of stainless steel pipe fittings and pipe accessories to fit a multitude of application across all industries. Whether you need a fitting that works well in extreme temperatures or pressures, OmegaOne has the fitting you need.
Following the merger with AMFM Incorporated, OmegaOne has developed product line names to clarify our different product lines.
Stainless Steel Fittings
One of the most popular fitting manufactured in the works is the Joint Industry Council, or JIC flare fitting. OmegaFlare is specified by SAE J514.

The K-Flare fitting is the same as OmegaFlare, with an added feature to enhance sealing. K-Flare has a Teflon gasket seal machined into the 37-degree nose. This fitting is derived from standards that accompany the space program. The fitting is often referred to as a “KC’ fitting, derived from Kennedy Space Center.

The OmegaBite is a single ferrule “bite-type” fitting that is also often referred to as a “compression” fitting. The SAE Flareless fitting and it is manufactured per the SAE J514 standard.

OmegaSeal is the O-Ring Face Seal (ORFS) fitting, which is manufactured to the SAE G1453 standard. There are two styles of sleeves used with ORFS fittings, mechanical and braze, OmegaOne manufactures both style of sleeves.

OmegPipe is our standard pipe fitting line manufactured to the NTPF standard. This product line contains standard NPTF thread fittings as well as pipe swivel (PS) fittings to mate with NPSM swivel ends. All NPT ends on the OmegaPipe product line are made with the 30 chmapher on the male end to mate with NPSM fittings.

OmegaHose fittings connect to both rubber hydraulic hose and flexible metal hose. OmegaOne offered multiple styles of hose barb fittings, M2HC and push-on hose barb fittings as well as weld fittings for welding to flexible metal hose.

Metal Hose Weld Bands
AMFM Braid Bands
Welding metal hose requires one integral component, the AMFM Braid Band. The original industry standard, AMFM pioneered the metal hose industry with the Braid Band.

The AMFM Braid Band is a solid band designed to hold the metal braid against the corrugated metal hose during the welding process. Standard sizes increase ever .015″ allowing for a perfect fit for any hose and braid configuration.
AMFM Braid Bands are produced from 304 Stainless Steel with 316, Copper and Monel also available. Standard widths as well as non-standard widths are available to suit all needs for your metal hose fabrication.
AMFM Wrapped Bands
The AMFM Wrapped Band accompany the AMFM Braid Band. The wrap bands is indented for large diameter metal hose, for ID requirements beyond those provided by the AMFM Braid Band.

AMFM Bulk Coil
Offered as an economical option, AMFM Bulk Coil offers the metal hose fabricator the opportunity to inventory the same material configurations available with wrapped bands, in prepackaged coil form. This allows for custom configuration wrapped bands or stocking material of less than common material types or for uncommon band sizes.
The branding program allows the metal hose fabricator to imprint their AMFM Braid Band or AMFM Wrapped Band with critical information they need to permanently affix to their metal hose assembly. Fixed and Flexible programs offer the ability to standardize imprinting as well as offer options for changing needs to mark you metal hose assembly.

At OmegaOne, we manufacture a wide variety of stainless steel pipe fittings and pipe accessories to fit a multitude of application across all industries. Whether you need a fitting that works well in extreme temperatures or pressures, OmegaOne has the fitting you need.
A few of our product lines have changed over the years as a result of the merger between OmegaOne and AMFM. To provide clarity, we changed the names of our product line to make ourselves more customer-friendly. After all, OmegaOne makes fittings easy!
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